Compare: Digit; Cratoeg; Conval; Strophanthus.
A heart medicine, after rheumatism or influenza, or Bright's disease, where the muscles of the heart are in stage of fatty degeneration, regulating the pulse and increasing the power of contractions of heart, with increased urinary secretions. Most valuable in cardiac dropsy. Low vitality, with weak heart and slow, weak pulse. Hydrothorax, ascites. Anasarca.
Dose.--Five to ten drops of the tincture.
Extremities.--Aching in nape. Spine stiff and aching. edema.
Head.--Feels light; aches across front, from occiput around temples to eyes. Vertigo on rising, turning head quickly or lying down. Tinnitus. Scalp feels tight. Eyes dilated.
Heart.--Mitral and aortic regurgitation. Chronic aortitis, Fatty heart pericarditis. Rheumatic Endocarditis (Kalmia). Preecordial pain, palpitation, and dyspnea. Marked venous engorgement. Cardiac asthma (Quebracho). Fatty heart. Myocarditis, irregular cardiac action, constriction and vertigo. Pulse rapid, irregular.
Mouth.--Slimy. Tongue dirty yellow, sore, feels scalded.
Relationship.--Adonidin is a cardiac tonic and diuretic. Quarter grain daily, or two to five grains of first decimal trit increases arterial pressure and prolongs the diastole, favoring emptying engorged veins. Is an excellent substitute for Digitalis and is not cumulative in action.
Respiratory.--Frequent desire to take a long breath. Feeling of weight on chest.
Sleep.--Restlessness, with horrible dreams.
Stomach.--Heavy weight. Gnawing hunger. Faint feeling in epigastrium. Better out of doors.
Urine.--Oily pellicle on urine. Scanty, albuminous.