Allium Cepa


Abdomen.--Rumbling, offensive flatus. Pains in left hypogastrium. Colic sitting, moving about.


Antidotes: Arn; Cham; Verat.


Complementary: Phosphor; Thuja; Puls.


A picture of coryza, with acrid nasal discharge and laryngeal symptoms, eye secretion bland; singers' cold, worse in warm room and toward evening; better in open air is presented by this remedy. Specially adapted to phlegmatic patients; colds in damp cold weather. Neuralgic pains, like a fine thread, following amputations or injuries to nerves. Traumatic chronic neuritis. Burning in nose, mouth, throat, bladder and skin. Sensation of glowing heat on different parts of the body.


Dose.--Third potency.


Ears.--Earache, shooting in eustachian tube.


Extremities.--Lame joints. Ulcers on heel. Painful affections of fingers about nails neuralgia of stump. Bad effects from getting feet wet. Limbs, especially arms, feel sore and tired.


Eyes.--Red. Much burning and smarting lachrymation. Sensitive to light. Eyes suffused and watery; profuse, bland lachrymation, better in open air. Burning in eyelids.


Head.--Catarrhal headache, mostly in forehead; worse in warm room towards evening. Thread-like pains in face. Headache ceases during menses; returns when flow disappears.


Modalities.--Worse, in the evening, in warm room. Better, in open air, and in cold room.


Nose.--Sneezing, especially when entering a warm room. Copious, watery and extremely acrid discharge. Feeling of a lump at root of nose. Hay-fever (Sabad; Sil; Psor). Fluent coryza with headache, cough, and hoarseness. Polypus.


Rectum.--Diarrhea with very offensive flatus. Stitches in rectum; itching and rhagades in anus. Glowing heat in rectum.


Relationship.--Compare: Gels; Euph; Kali hyd; Aconite; Ipecac.


Respiratory.--Hoarseness. Hacking cough on inspiring cold air. Tickling in larynx. Sensation as if larynx is split or torn. Oppressed breathing from pressure in middle of chest. Constricted feeling in region of epiglottis. Pain extending to ear.


Sleep.--Yawning with headache and drowsiness. Gaping in deep sleep. Dreams. Wakes at 2 am.


Stomach.--Canine hunger. Pain in pyloric region. Thirst. Belching. Nausea.


Urinary.--Sensation of weakness in bladder and urethra. Increased secretion of urine with coryza. Urine red with much pressure and burning in urethra.